Free Beliefs

David Mizne
2 min readJul 7, 2017
Photo Credit: Álvaro Serrano

The sign read, Free beliefs! Take all you desire!
I entered the store, thinking them liars.
I grabbed a belief, the material shoddy,
and draped it all over my cold, naked body.

It felt so light and so smooth on my skin,
that I took several more from the big belief bin.
This one says Liberal, that one said Jew.
Those two over there said, I’m Me and, You’re You.

Brilliant, Progressive, Right all the Time,
all those beliefs they fit me just fine.
Republican, Christian, Country, and Wrong,
those four I would not even bother try on.

I glanced at the clock to see hours had passed;
the beliefs I tried on were tied to me fast.
I could barely move or breathe in the mess
of these false garments in which I was dressed.

The more that I struggled, the tighter they tied.
I collapsed on the long wooden bench and I cried,
“Your sign tricked me! I want these no more!
I want to go back, the way that I was before!”

Then the salesman turned and he spoke to me,
“My friend, haven’t you heard that nothing is free?
But returns are accepted, you might like to know.
To get rid of beliefs, just let them go.”

Beliefs are a choice, and all come at a price.
They disconnect us from those we love in our lives.
Remember this truth and you soon shall be free:
Everything is connected, and love flows like the sea.

